Energetic Self Defense in the Age of Zoom
As we embrance social distancing and move our lives online, all gatherings, whether it is work, social, exercise, wellness or entertainment, are done over one of many online meeting platforms. You might have noticed you are getting more tired than usual over the usage of the technology. Or your emotions may be swing wildly over the course of the day spent online. The draining you felt often goes beyond eye strain from staring at your screen.
This workshop is not about preaching limiting hours spent on the computer or our phone. While we need to do that, it is about how to stay spiritually and energetically safe and clean when energy, thoughtforms and emotions pass thorugh the internet as much if not more over group sessions online then when in person.
I will share what we can watch out for, how to minimize the energetic impact and most importantly, how to clean ourselves up afterwards. This workshop is based on my experience using many different spritual technologies over the years and especially applicable now. Some of the tools you can use anytime anywhere, others likely available at your home, and others may warrent purchase consideration.