Upcoming events and workshops for regular vibrational tune-up.
Click on each event for more information and to RSVP.
Click on each event for more information and to RSVP.
GROUP SOUND HEALING When we experience distress mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, we are 'out of tune'. Our body may give us not so subtle warnings by way of anxiety, insomnia, digestive issue, disturbed emotions, tightness in our neck, lower back pain that require attention. Sound, as vibration, has the property to be used as medicine to help our bodies shift our vibration and thus perception and reality to provide relief. These 2-hour sound sessions function as tune-up for the body, where soundscape created by healing instruments will be used to attune your being. These co-creative meditative experiences provide reset of your mental-emotional state, bring clarity to the mind, nourishment to the emotions and rejuvenation to the physical body. Additional energy healing principles will be applied to further anchor in energy that encourage access to higher state of consciousness. Vibrational "muscle" can be built up with recurring immersion in sound, which help develop mental and emotional resilience and lower the threshold to stress. VIBRATIONAL WELLNESS SUPPORT SERIES WEEKLY SOUND HEALING AND ENERGY HEALING FOR "CORONA RETREAT" When we experience distress mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, we are 'out of tune'. Our body may give us not so subtle warnings by way of anxiety, insomnia, digestive issue, disturbed emotions, tightness in our neck, lower back pain that require attention. These 1-hour sound sessions function as tune-up for the body. Vibrational "muscle" can be built up with recurring immersion in sound and energy clearing, which help develop mental and emotional resilience and lower the threshold to stress. SOUTH BATH Allow the soothing sound from healing instruments to retune and recalibrate your nervous system. We will use sound as a gateway to connect within. From the place of deep connection without distraction, relate and embrace ourselves, others and our circumstances with compassion, clarity and neutrality. ENERGY HEALING sessions are designed to help you recalibrate your being as we go through this cycle of transition in our lives. This 1-hour group healing experience incorporates a selected blend of energy healing modalities including Pranic Healing, Yuen Method, crystal healing, Golden Light + Fire Wand multi-dimensional clearing, codes and tools to reclaim your sovereignty, and sound to facilitate energetic restoration and healing. Depending on the group's needs, we may cover the following and much more. Special requests during the session will be honored.
Sessions are available via Zoom for input (please register below) and Facebook Live. Register and add to your calendar. LOCATION - Midtown East, NYC Address will be provided after registration DATES Sunday, January 19, 2020, 2pm - 4pm Sunday, February 23, 2020, 2pm - 4pm Sunday, March 22, 2020, 4pm - 6pm *FREE* event Sunday, April 26, 2020, 4pm - 6pm Sunday, May 17, 2020, 4pm - 6pm Sunday, June 21, 2020, 4pm - 6pm Events are converted to VIRUTAL over Zoom starting March 22nd, 2020 until further notice. Zoom information to be provided prior to session. |
GROUP HEALING SESSION Elevate Energy Healing session is designed to help you recalibrate your being as we go through cycle of transitions in our lives. This 2 hour group healing experience incorporates a selected blend of energy healing modalities including Pranic Healing, Yuen Method, crystal healing, Golden Light + Fire Wand multi-dimensional clearing, sound and flower essences to facilitate energetic restoration and healing. This recurring session not only rejuvenate the mind and the body, it helps elevate our consciousness. Past participants have experienced reduction of physical pain, elimination of mental stress and anxiety, new found clarity of mind, ability to focus, improve quality of sleep and deepen spiritual connection to your core being. Effect often lingers for days after the session. Specific personal focus and healing request will be honored. *Special* Spring Clean Edition 4-week Series for Total Energy Reset (savings on booking all 4 sessions) March 4 - Physical | Boosting Immunity + Increase Energy March 11 - Mental | Bring Back Joy + Deep Rest March 18 - Emotional | Destress + Relief Fear and Anxiety March 25 - Spiritual | Ancestral Healing LOCATION - Midtown East, NYC Address will be provided after registration DATES Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 7pm - 9pm Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 7pm - 9pm Wednesday, Mach 4, 2020, 7pm - 9pm - Spring Cleaning Edition Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 7pm - 9pm - Spring Cleaning Edition Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 7pm - 9pm - Spring Cleaning Edition Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 7pm - 9pm - Spring Cleaning Edition Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 7pm - 9pm Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 7pm - 9pm Events are converted to VIRUTAL over Zoom starting March 22nd, 2020 until further notice. Zoom information to be provided prior to session. |
A WORKSHOP FOR SELF HEALING AND EMPOWERMENT True Power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero and leader. - Yung Pueblo Healings come from within. But how often do we focus on healing ourselves instead of taking care of others? What if simple healing tools and techniques are within your reach to empower you and elevate your being? Incorporate healing lifestyle as part of your regular routine will help keep your vibrations high and operate in flow. In this workshop, I will be your guide to your self-healing journey. You will be introduced the tools, techniques and resource to focus on your own personal healing so that you will feel empowered to take on healing areas of your life when life toss you a lemon or two. Also learn when help is needed and how to find additional support. Not just for healers, this experiential workshop is opened to all - from beginner with limited exposure of energy healing to seasoned energy healer who can apply and amplify your own technique. I am getting excellent feedback from novice doing easy healing and seasoned healers discovering ways to enhance their work. Workshop includes:
LOCATION - Midtown East, NYC Address will be provided after registration DATES Sunday, February 2, 2020, 3pm - 6pm Sunday, March 15, 2020, 3pm - 6pm Sunday, March 29, 2020, 3pm -6pm Events are converted to VIRUTAL over Zoom starting March 22nd, 2020 until further notice. Upon registration, I will mail you the Golden Light and Golden Fire wand. |
ONLINE SOUND BATH When we experience distress mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, we are 'out of tune'. Our body may give us not so subtle warnings by ways of anxiety, insomnia, digestive issue, disturbed emotions, tightness in our neck, lower back pain and more. Sound, as vibration, has the property to be used as medicine to help our bodies shift our vibration to provide relief. This sound experience functions as a tune-up for the body, where soundscape created by over-tone emitting sound instruments will be used to attune your body. It provides a reset of your mental-emotional state, brings clarity to the mind, nourishes the emotions and rejuvenates the body. Additional energy healing principles will be applied to further help anchor wholeness in your being. Zoom delivers stereo sound. Please have good headphone (overhead would be ideal) or speaker ready for the session. LOCATION - ONLINE w/ Zoom All times listed are in EST. Link will be provided 24 hours prior to session starting. DATES Monday, January 6, 2020, 8pm - 9pm Monday, February 3, 2020, 8pm - 9pm Monday, March 2, 2020, 8pm - 9pm Monday, April 6, 2020, 8pm - 9pm Monday, May 4, 2020, 8pm - 9pm Monday, June 1, 2020, 8pm - 9pm Monday, July 6, 2020, 8pm - 9pm |
A MONTHLY GATHERING AT FLOATING MOUNTAIN TEA HOUSE At this monthly series, allow the healing sound of crystal alchemy bowls, tuning forks and other instruments elevate your experience of meditation with tea. This event is in partnership with Floating Mountain Tea House, a tranquil oasis of calm in New Yor City with specialty tea. Traditional for our meditation sessions, Gong Fu tea will be prepared at the beginning. We stay still for the rest of the time observing the vibrations of crystal bowls sounds. This sessions are suitable for the meditation “newbies” and “experienced” practitioners. LOCATION - Floating Mountain Tea House 239 W. 72nd Street, 2nd Floor, New York DATES Saturday, March 14, 2020, 11am - 12pm Saturday, April 18, 2020, 11am - 12pm Saturday, May 9, 2020, 11am - 12pm Saturday, June 13, 2020, 11am - 12pm This event to be converted to VIRUTAL over IG Live starting March 22nd, 2020 until further notice. |
A COMMUNITY "WATCH PARTY" TO RECONNECT CIRCUITRY FOR SOVIGNETY AND EMPOWERMENT The Template is a holonomic model of transcendence. Sacred Geometry is experienced in The Template Workshops. It reconnects electromagnetic bio-circuits through resonance, reintegrating the structure and strength of the Human light body. These geometric shapes go from the basic Platonic and Archimedean solids to powerful combinations and stellations reflecting the atomic structures which are the building blocks of everything in the universe. Evoking the archetypal intelligence of creation they re-establish in you the language of light. What can you expect as the outcome of the ceremonies? The changes are as variable as humans themselves because the Ceremonies meet you on every level of your being in your personal evolutionary process. Although everyone experiences something different there are certain common denominators, such as:
These ceremonies should be done in order. C1 - C3 are currently available with C4 coming out shortly. The Ceremony of Clear and Protect will also be introducted. CEREMONY 1 – ORIGINAL INNOCENCE Original Innocence Water, Air, Earth, Fire and Ether The first ceremony starts the healing journey and establishes the emotional foundation on which to build our conscious evolution. The circuits form a template of receptors in our body which specifically respond to the 5 Elements : Water, Air, Earth, Fire and Ether. During the session the functions of the 12 basic circuits – including the Thymus, Third Eye, Auric, Earth, Solar Plexus & Heart will be reconnected. CEREMONY 2 – SACRED MARRIAGE Sacred Geometry ‘Form is the shape of consciousness’ In this ceremony, pathways of electro-magnetic life force are reinstated at both ends of the pranic tube – the occiput and the coccyx – reconnecting the 13th Circuit. This Ceremony revisits the 5 Elements at a deeper level, in their ultra-organised geometric coherence. 22 basic Sacred Geometry 3D shapes are used to realign our being by providing the resonant frequencies of the higher physics of creation, reawakening the life mandate beyond the reach of genetic manipulation. The alchemy of the male and female electro-magnetic potencies activates and integrates the creative impulse into form. CEREMONY 3 – SACRED BREATH The 6th Element Stellar Radiance The Sacred Breath Ceremony reconnects 7 respiratory circuits including the Lungs, the Umbilical and the Fontanelle through our natural resonance with stellar geometry, the ‘language of light’. The reconnection of these circuits enables the pranic system to absorb the full spectrum of prana when we breathe. Breath is life. Glendy started her journey of The Template Ceremonies since 2013 and has since completed all 16 ceremonies in person. She is inspired to create "watch parties" to introduce these codes of information in the form of geometry for sovignety and freedom. These "watch parties" create the opportunities for those called to do this work to complete the ceremonies in a community with support. LOCATION - Midtown East, NYC Address will be provided after registration DATES Monday, March 10, 2020, 7pm - 8:30pm Monday, March 31, 2020, 7pm - 8:30pm Events are converted to VIRUTAL over Zoom starting March 22nd, 2020 until further notice. |
AN SOUND + ENERGY HEALING SLEEPOVER AT FREQUENCY MIND Show up in one reality and leave in another. Happiness Gongster Shunny Willamovius and Vibrational Wellness Guide Glendy Yeung will hold space to create the frequency of creation, and open up vibrational possibilities to co-create the life and world we want to see for ourselves and for eachother! Expect:
Packing List:
Limited to 11 people. $180 early-bird $210 day-of LOCATION - Frequecy Mind 242 West 27th Street, Suite 1B DATES Friday, March 20, 2020, 9pm - Saturday, March 21, 2020, 9am |