Deep down you know there is more to LIFE as we know it.
Going well beyond societal programing and spiritual believes, when we activate our physical intelligence and reignite our innate capacity, we begin to peel back the layers of untruth and courageously redefine what it means to be human in the now and in the future. Up-level your energetic skillset. Expand your awareness. Transform life's challenges for your libration & evolution. |
"Glendy is a brilliant and welcoming person and healer. I was blown away by her breadth of knowledge and her capacity to bring a calming presence. I have done an immersion into dowsing skills with Glendy and am continually amazed at how this can be applied in so many ways in my personal life. What a game-changer!"
- BC, New York
Sensitive to energy?
Welcome, you are at the right place.
Being able to navigate energetic undercurrents of our reality will become critical for us in this time of transition.
If you are sensitive to energy and have an innate knowing, chances are, you are leading the way.
Knowing what to watch out for, and how to navigate the unseen in everyday interactions are critical to maintain our inner and outer harmony.
If you are a coach, healer, reader, or spiritual seeker, it is time to pull back the curtain and dive deeper so that you can serve your clients and lead your communities with greater energetic clarity and alignments.
Let's dive in!
Welcome, you are at the right place.
Being able to navigate energetic undercurrents of our reality will become critical for us in this time of transition.
If you are sensitive to energy and have an innate knowing, chances are, you are leading the way.
Knowing what to watch out for, and how to navigate the unseen in everyday interactions are critical to maintain our inner and outer harmony.
If you are a coach, healer, reader, or spiritual seeker, it is time to pull back the curtain and dive deeper so that you can serve your clients and lead your communities with greater energetic clarity and alignments.
Let's dive in!
Group Training Program
Awakening demands the next level of AWARENESS and DISCERNMENT to navigate the energetic warfare we are constantly under.
Because of that, dowsing could be THE most important skillset to develop to help us stay in alignment so that we can restore ultimate freedom.
What can dowsing do?
Every month, we will dive into an area, practice asking dowsing questions so that we can clean and clear detriments found from our energy fields.
Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to develop your:
With upgraded skill set, you can execute tactical protection and strategic energetic self-defense, all while retaining your compassionate heart. You can now venture confidently into the world, without the fear of energy drainage or feel the need to quit the career or people you love.
Let me accompany you along this very personal journey. to help you assemble your energetic armor and instruct you in the arts of energetic self defense. You'll sharpen your discernment skills, utilizing the art of dowsing to cleanse past energetic binds and preempt future entanglements.
What we cover will help you expand your awareness so that you can make informed energetic and spiritual decision to curb avoidable interference causing drama, karma and energetic entanglement from innocent everyday activities.
Month 1 - Dowsing Foundations
Month 2 - Emotions, Thought Forms and Beliefs
Month 3 - Spiritual & Higher Dimensional Clearing
Month 4 - Relationship Healing
Month 5 - Ancestral & Past Life Healing
Month 6 - Free Style & Create Harmony in ANYTHING
Because of that, dowsing could be THE most important skillset to develop to help us stay in alignment so that we can restore ultimate freedom.
What can dowsing do?
- Arrive at the right decision in under 60 seconds without analysis paralysis
- Stop pain (headaches, toothaches, back or period pain) in its track
- Say goodbye to angry outbursts by dispatching interfering spirits in your energy field you unknowingly picked up
- Evict entities that are driving your midnight munchies
- Identify and delete hidden emotions stopping you from everything
- End “bad luck” by finding and removing curses, spells, hexes sent or passed down to you
Every month, we will dive into an area, practice asking dowsing questions so that we can clean and clear detriments found from our energy fields.
Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to develop your:
- Battlefield Strategy: Outlining the practical steps to prepare for energetic encounters
- Energetic First-Aid Kit: Acquiring techniques for immediate energetic relief and recovery
- Spiritual Armory: Attuning with special tools and wearables to increase your energetic stamina and buffer interference
- Declassified Energetic Intel: Expanding your consciousness through integrated spiritual and higher dimensional knowledge
With upgraded skill set, you can execute tactical protection and strategic energetic self-defense, all while retaining your compassionate heart. You can now venture confidently into the world, without the fear of energy drainage or feel the need to quit the career or people you love.
Let me accompany you along this very personal journey. to help you assemble your energetic armor and instruct you in the arts of energetic self defense. You'll sharpen your discernment skills, utilizing the art of dowsing to cleanse past energetic binds and preempt future entanglements.
What we cover will help you expand your awareness so that you can make informed energetic and spiritual decision to curb avoidable interference causing drama, karma and energetic entanglement from innocent everyday activities.
Month 1 - Dowsing Foundations
Month 2 - Emotions, Thought Forms and Beliefs
Month 3 - Spiritual & Higher Dimensional Clearing
Month 4 - Relationship Healing
Month 5 - Ancestral & Past Life Healing
Month 6 - Free Style & Create Harmony in ANYTHING
Group Energy Training Weekend & Program
Do you feel like you are battling the unseen energy trenches everyday?
Do you notice the world has completely changed but nobody around seem to notice?
When you're facing energy-draining clients, warring family, or visiting places like supermarket or spirited hospital, others have zero idea what's going on and how you are actually feeling. On top of it, the energy of the sun has changed and so as everything in this reality from people to places.
This results in unseen warfare on your energy system.
With a sensitive and absorbing energy system, your abilities is leaving you confused, tired and frazzled.
Envision this:
In 10-weeks, you'll be equipped with energy practices that connect and calm, energy intel that helps you traverse the evolving energetic landscape, and energetic armory that protects and preserves. You will engage in life's covert operations like the next holiday family gathering or full moon with poise and suave as a well trained secret agent.
Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to develop your:
- Battlefield Strategy: Outlining the practical steps to prepare for energetic encounters
- Energetic First-Aid Kit: Acquiring techniques for immediate energetic relief and recovery
- Spiritual Armory: Attuning with special tools and wearables to increase your energetic stamina and buffer interference
- Declassified Energetic Intel: Expanding your consciousness through integrated spiritual and higher dimensional knowledge
With upgraded skill set, you can execute tactical protection and strategic energetic self-defense, all while retaining your compassionate heart. You can now venture confidently into the world, without the fear of energy drainage or feel the need to quit the career or people you love.
Let me accompany you along this very personal journey. to help you assemble your energetic armor and instruct you in the arts of energetic self defense. You'll sharpen your discernment skills, utilizing the art of dowsing to cleanse past energetic binds and preempt future entanglements.
What we cover will help you expand your awareness so that you can make informed energetic and spiritual decision to curb avoidable interference causing drama, karma and energetic entanglement from innocent everyday activities.
You will be empowered to:
- Prevent energetic toxins from client sessions manifesting as physical ailments
- Release energetic hooks and energy cloud from interactions with energy vampires so that you can finally think straight
- Navigate the complex terrain of spirituality and beyond, ensuring you don't inadvertently give away your energy as "food" or step into polarity games where you good intentions go towards dark causes
- Address the energetic roots of recurring physical discomfort
- Update your energetic routine that creates more capacity and creativity to meet your everyday challenges
- Master one energetic technique where you can:
- Arrive at the right decision in under 60 seconds without analysis paralysis
- Stop pain (headaches, toothaches, back or period pain) in its track
- Say goodbye to angry outbursts by dispatching interfering spirits in your energy field you unknowingly picked up
- Evict entities that are driving your midnight munchies
- Identify and delete hidden emotions stopping you from everything
- End “bad luck” by finding and removing curses, spells, hexes sent or passed down to you
This is for you if you are:
- Eager to avoid energetic toxin from clients, loved ones, teachers - especially for energy healers, breath work facilitators, coaches, acupuncturists, massage therapists, sound healers, psychic readers, or just naturally “spongy” empaths
- A practitioners not only looking for more tools to clean up from your work day, but to ensure the work you do is energetically sustainable so that you don't have to quit due to over-exposure
- Open-minded, adventurous, and ready to be both student and subject to transform your reality
- Affected by dense energy daily from seemingly simple everyday activities
- Tired of “a white bubble of light” not working for you
- Ready to make informed choices to curb energetic infiltrations and reverse harm done
- Interested in not passing on energetic toxicity to your clients and family
- Curious to go beyond both conventional and spiritual explanation, and embrace the complexity of your reality
This is NOT for you if:
- You need everything to be defined in black and white
- You expect one correct solution for everyone
- You are afraid of experimentation
- You prefer to rely on the powers of others or objects instead of your own
Option 1: Be Energetically Unshakable Training Intensive
Kick start your training with an in-person intensive.
We will start with the fundamentals and mindset upgrade. Address your curiosity and where is life leading you.
Arrive Friday or Saturday morning. Include all activities, group work, supplies, lunch, snacks, herbal tea / tonics.
Pick up / drop off from train station (Hudson).
Two post retreat integration group calls.
Kick start your training with an in-person intensive.
We will start with the fundamentals and mindset upgrade. Address your curiosity and where is life leading you.
- 10-12pm Introduction, Qi gong, Sensing energy in the body / Working with Energy
- 12-1:30pm Lunch at home
- 1:30pm - 5pm Energy work Philosophy / Reality check in. Dowsing for answers, Dowsing 201, “Commence master program”, Pendulum, finger, l-rod
- 5-7pm Sunset Hike and/or Dinner outing
- 7-9pm Sound Bath
- 9-12pm Qi gong, morning energy clearing, Q&A, Intro to Chart work
- 112-1:30pm Lunch at home
- 1:30pm - 5pm Build your energy routine, energetic protection / self-defense, Art of asking question, Wand your way to freedom
Arrive Friday or Saturday morning. Include all activities, group work, supplies, lunch, snacks, herbal tea / tonics.
Pick up / drop off from train station (Hudson).
Two post retreat integration group calls.
- Onsite lodging $800
- Set your own camp $600
- Commuter $450
Option 2: Group Program
Ready to report to your training?
Good! Let's book a time for your Connect Call.
Let's answer all your questions and ensure the program is a good fit and to address what you need right away,
To Be Announced
- 10+ LIVE Zoom sessions for teachings, practice labs, and Q&A (replays available)
- Weekly energy clearing and healing - live and/or recording
- Short video lessons on energetic self defense topics and for consciousness expansion
- Tailored exercises and practice videos to lighten the energetic burden we carry
- Essential healing tools - pendulum, dowsing charts and more
- Welcome session - a 60 min. private energy coaching session with Glendy ($250)
- Immediate access to Everyday Energy Hygiene for the Sensitive Souls Digital Course ($47)
- AO Scan and Frequency Optimization including reports for Vitals, Comprehensive and Body Systems (Total $1200)
- Weekly InnerVoice analysis and sound dose to harmonize emotions (Total $500)
- Debrief session - a 30 min. private energy coaching session to anchor your learnings and where you go from here ($125)
- Discount to IN-PERSON private retreat with Glendy in 2024
Ready to report to your training?
Good! Let's book a time for your Connect Call.
Let's answer all your questions and ensure the program is a good fit and to address what you need right away,
To Be Announced
As someone very familiar with energy work and the healing journey, I am extremely particular and aware of powerful, authentic, and truly compassionate, experienced healers who I choose to work with.
Glendy IS ALL of those. Not only does she know her capacities and has an incredible knowledge of energy, Glendy provides a service from true love, passion, and caring. From Glendy you get a sense that she is sensitive to your results, strives to give you everything you need, is intuitively connected to what you need, and gives of her time selflessly and generously. If you are looking for someone who is understanding, considerate of your specific concerns, respectful of where you are on your journey, Glendy is your healer!
I've reached out to Glendy for myself and my dog and have received only the best of intentions, ancient and deep wisdom, and a true resource for healing of the body, mind, and soul. Thank you, Glendy, for every mindful, devoted response and service you have provided me!I am grateful for our continued work.
- Darlene, Oregon
1:1 Energy Clearing & Coaching Program
1:1 Energy Clearing & Coaching Program
Imagine in 10 weeks:
Serenity Now helps you move energetic imbalances accumulated in the PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL LAYERS.
We co-create the healing to support YOUR specific concerns currently showing up in your life.
Each series can leverage a single or a combination of energetic modalities from:
Logistics :
- Your overt or hidden energy blocks, like debilitating anxiety, emotional stagnation, chronic physical pain, or what looks like"bad luck" in your life or energy drain from clients are dissipating in your life
- You develop awareness and skillset to detect bumps coming up on the road
- You learn to address and reduce emotional and energetic discomforts
- You learn to clean up from set backs and how best to course correct
- More importantly, you learn to trust yourself
Serenity Now helps you move energetic imbalances accumulated in the PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL LAYERS.
We co-create the healing to support YOUR specific concerns currently showing up in your life.
- 1:1 support to transform your black sheep archetype into your personal hero/heroine
- Create energetic solutions layers above the normal reality
- Upgrade your psychic energetic hygiene
- Advanced energy clearing / healing techniques
Each series can leverage a single or a combination of energetic modalities from:
- Sound Healing
- Energy Clearing
- Space/Land Clearing and Energy Revitalization
- Spiritual Coaching & Mentorship - Instructions, Strategy or Routine
- Dowsing Support
- AO Scan - Inner Voice analysis, Frequency Blast, Physical Scan and Frequency Optimization
- Distant Healing with Crystals, Sacred Geometry, Flower Essences and other Multi-Dimensional Tools
Logistics :
- FIVE (5) 60 - 75 min. live sessions over Zoom or In-Person in Austerlitz, NY (we meet every 1 - 2 weeks)
- Distant healing with Frequency Blast and/or other healing tools as needed
"Before I started working with glendy, I suffered from major anxiety. A mind that wouldn't stop ruminating on outcomes, and thoughts of the day, as well as the next. After working with Glendy everything improved. I was able to shift my mindset, which helped improve many outcomes. It's through all the tools I learned through her course that I was able to do this. I'm now more clearer, more focused, and I've even gotten off anxiety mess.
Everyday isn't always going to be great, however with everything I learned, I'm better able to handle it.
I highly recommend taking her course!
- Sheena, New York
Private Personal Retreats
Experience YOU as you never had before.
Join Glendy in Columbia County, NY for a weekend of elevated experiences that RESET YOUR MIND, RENEW YOUR ENERGY, and INSPIRE A NEW WAY OF BEING.
Coming by your self or bring your favorite girlfriend or two!
Glendy will curate a set of unique experiences from the following for the deepest Soul Renewal.
REST & REJUVENATE | Do as much or as little with the aim to rest and rejuvenate your entire being. Think sound bath, salt bath, energy healing for mental emotional level, meditation by the pond, nourishing foods
QUANTUM EVOLUTION | Accelerate healing and expansion of awareness so that you can process elevated consciousness for your next level of human evolution. Think energy healing for spiritual level, deep dive into the mystery of reality and cosmic rabbit-holing, meditation, learn how to dowse for answers.
COSMIC ABUNDANCE | Connect with the highest aspect of your self via the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether in nature and beyond. Think flower bath, foraging, orchard harvest, camp fire ritual to release and connect, learn energy clearing work.
SOUL INSPIRATIONS | Activate your creator self and bring to life magnificent creations with thoughts. words and actions. Think meditation, art, journal, spiritual technology for healing, protection and co-creation.
(Yes, you can mix and match!)
All inclusive:
Join Glendy in Columbia County, NY for a weekend of elevated experiences that RESET YOUR MIND, RENEW YOUR ENERGY, and INSPIRE A NEW WAY OF BEING.
Coming by your self or bring your favorite girlfriend or two!
Glendy will curate a set of unique experiences from the following for the deepest Soul Renewal.
- Energy Healing | Experience many of Glendy's healing tools and modalities for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, beauty, space/home, ancestral healing and energetic upgrade
- Learn How to Work with Energy | Deepen your intuition, energy cultivation, energy healing skillset, how to use various energetic tools and dowsing practice
- Sound & Meditation | Sound bath for deep sleep
- Sacred Rituals | Fire puja, food blessing & clearing, morning / night rituals, cacao
- Sacred Creations | Yantra, art, herbal projects (tea, infused oil salves, salt scrubs, tincture), Negative ions generator, pyramid healing tool
- Nature Hike / Walk | Sunrise. Sunrise, Waterfall, Open fields, Mushroom hunting
- Spiritual Baths | Crystal, Flower, Aromatics, Salts & Minerals, Essential oils for healing
- Nature Abundance | Orchards - apple picking, Distillery / Cidery, Farm visit - lavender and flower picking, Outdoor Art Park, farm fresh ice-cream
- Beyond the Matrix | Explore what is going on behind the curtains of this reality
REST & REJUVENATE | Do as much or as little with the aim to rest and rejuvenate your entire being. Think sound bath, salt bath, energy healing for mental emotional level, meditation by the pond, nourishing foods
QUANTUM EVOLUTION | Accelerate healing and expansion of awareness so that you can process elevated consciousness for your next level of human evolution. Think energy healing for spiritual level, deep dive into the mystery of reality and cosmic rabbit-holing, meditation, learn how to dowse for answers.
COSMIC ABUNDANCE | Connect with the highest aspect of your self via the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether in nature and beyond. Think flower bath, foraging, orchard harvest, camp fire ritual to release and connect, learn energy clearing work.
SOUL INSPIRATIONS | Activate your creator self and bring to life magnificent creations with thoughts. words and actions. Think meditation, art, journal, spiritual technology for healing, protection and co-creation.
(Yes, you can mix and match!)
- Friday Noon to Sunday Evening (want alternate days or longer? just ask!)
All inclusive:
- On site lodging (available for single, couples or triple, queen and twin beds sharing space)
- All meals - vegetarian / vegan, refreshments, juices and health tonics at home (and treats on the road)
- All activities
- All private/group healing sessions
- All craft supplies
- All local travel
- Train station pick up/drop off at Hudson or Wassaic
- Transportation
- Flight to the nearest airport - Albany, NY (ALB) or Bradley, CT (BDL)
- Train To Austerlitz, NY - nearest train to Hudson or Wassaic
- Optional treatments including massage, yoga therapy, colon hydrotherapy, nutrition consultation can be arranged
- Purchase at orchard, farm, etc.
- Single $1200 per person
- Double $1000 per person
- Triple $800 per person
- Arrive
- Smudging & Tensor Energy Clearing
- Refreshment / Lunch
- Energy Clearing
- Forest walk
- Dinner
- Deep Sleep Sound Bath
- Morning Qi Gong
- Juicing
- Breakfast
- Meditation
- Dowsing Training
- Lunch
- Spiritual Coaching
- Ice cream farm outing
- Sunset Hike
- Dinner
- Camp Fire Meditation & Energy Clearing
- Morning Qi Gong
- Juice
- Breakfast
- Lavender field visit
- Brunch
- Harvest meditation
- Orchard Fruit Picking
- Refreshment
- Departure
- Schedule a 30 min. call with Glendy to plan your weekend of personal discovery.
“The Mountain Day Magic Retreat was deeply restorative. Kate and Glendy did a great job in creating a safe and cozy environment. It's important, and necessary, to have time to step away and check in with yourself, and i'm grateful to the facilitators for giving us the space to do it.” - Emily, New York |
“I had a really great experience at the retreat in October. I really liked the diverse offerings - being newly exposed to sound healing, flower essences, and crystal healing, in addition to the daily yoga and then having time to wander around the beautiful grounds of the Camp. In addition to being physically restorative, the retreat inspired wonder, contemplation, and camaraderie” - Marie, New York |